Tuesday, March 10, 2009

#2 Dictionary Exercise

From this homework, I found out that there has lots of English materials on the Internet. I am glad of attending this class, or I might have missed those things at all.
I like Merriam the best, because of its speed and typesetting. Oxford might be too slow, and Cambridge's component is just quite simple I guessed.

Those Link is listed as below:
  1. Cambridge
  2. Merriam
  3. Oxford
  • athletic

Show phonetics
1 STRONG strong, healthy, and good at sports

2 SPORT [always before noun] relating to athletes or to the sport of athletics




adjective Meaning:

1 always used before a noun a : of or relating to athletes the national athletic association They each received an athletic scholarship to the school. b : of or relating to sports, games, or exercises Students can get discount tickets for all athletic events. His athletic career spanned three decades. the college's athletic department/director She has great athletic ability.
2 always used before a noun : used by athletes : used during or for sports, games, or exercises athletic socks/gear/shoes the school's athletic field
3 [more ath*let*ic; most ath*let*ic] a : strong and muscular She's tall and has an athletic build. b : active in sports, games, or exercises He's very athletic.
—ath·let·i·cal·ly /æθˈlɛtɪkli/ adverb She's tall and athletically built.


ath•let•ic /ae{phon_capt}'let{I}k/ adj.
1 physically strong, fit and active: an athletic figure / build * a tall, slim athletic girl
2 [only before noun] (BrE) connected with sports such as running, jumping and throwing (= athletics): an athletic club / coach
ath•let•ical•ly /{I}kli/ adv. ath•leti•cism /ae{phon_capt}'let{I}s{I}z{shwa}m/ noun [U]: She moved with great athleticism about the court.


  • muscular


Show phonetics
1 STRONG having firm, strong muscles
muscular legs/arms

2 OF MUSCLES relating to muscles
muscular aches/pains




adjective Meaning:

1 : of or relating to muscles muscular strength/weakness a muscular injury
2 [more mus*cu*lar; most mus*cu*lar] : having large and strong muscles a muscular athlete He has a muscular physique. His legs are very muscular.
—mus·cu·lar·i·ty /ˌmʌskjəˈlerəti/ noun [noncount]


mus•cu•lar /'m{phon_capv}skj{shwa}l{shwa}(r)/ adj.
1 connected with the muscles: muscular tension / power / tissue
2 (also informal muscly /'m{phon_capv}sli/) having large strong muscles: a muscular body / build / chest * He was tall, lean and muscular.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found these tools useful to you, Mary.
    Incorrect sentence--there has lots of English materials on the Internet.
    should be
    there "are" lots of English resources on the Internet.
